Amazing benefits of walking backward

Amazing benefits of walking backward

Amazing Benefits Of Walking Backward First I came to know about the regimen through BBC Hindi


Remote or directly controlled or manipulated, kinship ties and otherwise based cloak and dagger selective targetting of targets


Divinely inspired diagram to warn unsuspecting human beings.

We are feeling extremely constrained by compelling and dangerous circumstances to share this message with you.

This is not a comprehensive and all inclusive diagram of covert cloak and dagger targetting elements. This is only one rough diagram, representative example of given scenario with respect to time, setting, place and demography.

However needles in all cases, at all times and places point to individuals or lobbies thousands of ex members of banned or not banned outfits, organizations professing jehadi ideologies now working underground and camouflaged for establishment of PSUEDO Islamic khilafat in the sub-continent.

They have built for themselves kind of secret empire with foreign funds empowered and fortified themselves through foreign money.

An undisclosed number of them have become white collar criminals and acquired for themselves tremendous clouts through Beriberi, diplomacy, petty politicking multifaceted powerful connections with powerful people including politicians, officials, Mafias, impostering as champions of their respective regional, caste or secterian fascism.

Patiently they are bringing more and more people indirectly into the fold of jehadi ideology, and sympathisers.

They are bringing more and more people under their secret control, influence and manipulations and clout. Their clout is also expanding.

They can go to any extent of deceit and Taqaiya bazi to camouflage their jehadist mindset and ideology.

People are not inclined to believe, leave alone dangers they might be facing  because they have never heard of such things before. 

The matter appears to them novel  hence probably fake.

There is no reason for hardcore ideologues to give up their jehadist ideologies for the heck of it in one go under fear of action.

That is why they have developed none classical methods because the day you would begin to realise the truth, it would be already too late.

They have helped and participated in building covert networks on the basis of kinship ties based on regional, caste, secterian and institutional, class affiliations etc across the states probably across the borders. a kind of secret covert state.

Please unite against the shadowy evil forces and their nexuses now.

Who are the evil forces in the shadow?

▪They are within, without and also remote seamlessly merged among the controlled.

▪one school of fish draws another school of its ilk and it’s various segments and class. Schools begins to multiply, driven by blind uncontrollable herd instinct, stated purpose may be different from actual purpose of targetting known only to primemovers.

▪Individual Schools of specific species may not be aware of other schools of same species or other species involved in the mission.

▪Source of dissemination of information or disinformation cannot be traced beyond certain point ordinarily.

▪In any given place disinformation or information are spread largely through intractable whispers.

▪Victims become vulnerable to false implication and malicious prosecution, become soft target for criminals accidently or through designed endeavours among others.

▪As natural corolarry or designed endeavours victims’ means of livelihood and career invariably gets jeopardised and they go into a state of fatal depression.

Please don’t underestimate the warnings received about dangers posed from select quarters,  from us time to time.

Please show that you are concerned human and citizen and solemnly  spread this message repeatedly and far and wide. God didn’t let them see they were also digging their own graves.

They are lying in wait and meticuoslly preparing and empowering themselves with unprecedented patience for right time, to rise up for direct action overtly and also covertly.

Act now to be safe with 0 tolerance for the monstrous risk.



Being depressed can make you feel helpless. You’re not. Along with therapy and sometimes medication, there’s a lot you can do on your own to fight back. Changing your behavior — your physical activity, lifestyle, and even your way of thinking — are all natural depression treatments.

These tips can help you feel better — starting right now.

1. Get in a routine. If you’re depressed, you need a routine, says Ian Cook, MD. He’s a psychiatrist and director of the Depression Research and Clinic Program at UCLA.

New Guidelines for Treatment of Depression
Depression can strip away the structure from your life. One day melts into the next. Setting a gentle daily schedule can help you get back on track.

2. Set goals. When you’re depressed, you may feel like you can’t accomplish anything. That makes you feel worse about yourself. To push back, set daily goals for yourself.

“Start very small,” Cook says. “Make your goal something that you can succeed at, like doing the dishes every other day.” As you start to feel better, you can add more challenging daily goals.

3. Exercise. It temporarily boosts feel-good chemicals called endorphins. It may also have long-term benefits for people with depression. Regular exercise seems to encourage the brain to rewire itself in positive ways, Cook says.

How much exercise do you need? You don’t need to run marathons to get a benefit. Just walking a few times a week can help.

4. Eat healthy. There is no magic diet that fixes depression. It’s a good idea to watch what you eat, though. If depression tends to make you overeat, getting in control of your eating will help you feel better.

Although nothing is definitive, Cook says there’s evidence that foods with omega-3 fatty acids (such as salmon and tuna) and folic acid (such as spinach and avocado) could help ease depression.

5. Get enough sleep. Depression can make it hard to get enough shut-eye, and too little sleep can make depression worse.

6. Take on responsibilities. When you’re depressed, you may want to pull back from life and give up your responsibilities at home and at work. Don’t. Staying involved and having daily responsibilities can help you maintain a lifestyle that can help counter depression. They ground you and give you a sense of accomplishment.

If you’re not up to full-time school or work, that’s fine. Think about part-time. If that seems like too much, consider volunteer work.

7. Challenge negative thoughts. In your fight against depression, a lot of the work is mental — changing how you think. When you’re depressed, you leap to the worst possible conclusions.

The next time you’re feeling terrible about yourself, use logic as a natural depression treatment. You might feel like no one likes you, but is there real evidence for that? You might feel like the most worthless person on the planet, but is that really likely? It takes practice, but in time you can beat back those negative thoughts before they get out of control.

8. Check with your doctor before using supplements. “There’s promising evidence for certain supplements for depression,” Cook says. Those include fish oil, folic acid, and SAMe. But more research needs to be done before we’ll know for sure. Always check with your doctor before starting any supplement, especially if you’re already taking medications.

9. Do something new. When you’re depressed, you’re in a rut. Push yourself to do something different. Go to a museum. Pick up a used book and read it on a park bench. Volunteer at a soup kitchen. Take a language class.

“When we challenge ourselves to do something different, there are chemical changes in the brain,” Cook says. “Trying something new alters the levels of [the brain chemical] dopamine, which is associated with pleasure, enjoyment, and learning.”

Our Brain Factory

Difference between normal anxiety and Anxiety Disorder

Mood freezing control your anger with just one simple thought

Mood freezing:

We’ve come to believe that by expressing our emotions we’ll feel better. The idea of “catharsis” also implies that by releasing our anger, we’ll rid ourselves of all hostile feelings. In research on “mood freezing,” participants are made to believe that a pill can alter their moods when, in fact, the pill is a placebo When these participants are artificially riled up in an experimental situation, and then given the fake pill, they both reduce their angry outbursts and – importantly- say that the feel better. You don’t have to give yourself an actual, fake, mood freezing pill to reduce your own angry outbursts *the next time you get mad. If you tell yourself you don’t need to express that anger, though, you can derive the same positive benefit.*       

Seven stages of grief

🌒 The seven stages of Grief:

Many people don’t realize that the stages of grief were developed to explain the emotional trajectory of people with a terminal illness. The stages originally appeared in a book called On Death and Dying, by Dr. Elisabeth Kübler-Ross. In this book, Kübler-Ross writes about the stages of death: denial and isolation, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance.

Fundamental difference between Sociopath and Psychopath

Psychopath VS Sociopath:

You may have heard people call someone else a “psychopath” or a “sociopath.” But what do those words really mean?


❗️You won’t find the definitions in mental health’s official handbook, the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Doctors don’t officially diagnose people as psychopaths or sociopaths. They use a different term instead: antisocial personality disorder.

Most experts believe psychopaths and sociopaths share a similar set of traits. People like this have a poor inner sense of right and wrong. They also can’t seem to understand or share another person’s feelings. But there are some differences, too.

Do They Have a Conscience?
A key difference between a psychopath and a sociopath is whether he has a conscience, the little voice inside that lets us know when we’re doing something wrong, says L. Michael Tompkins, EdD. He’s a psychologist at the Sacramento County Mental Health Treatment Center.

A psychopath doesn’t have a conscience. If he lies to you so he can steal your money, he won’t feel any moral qualms, though he may pretend to. He may observe others and then act the way they do so he’s not “found out,” Tompkins says.

A sociopath typically has a conscience, but it’s weak. He may know that taking your money is wrong, and he might feel some guilt or remorse, but that won’t stop his behavior.

Both lack empathy, the ability to stand in someone else’s shoes and understand how they feel. But a psychopath has less regard for others, says Aaron Kipnis, PhD, author of The Midas Complex. Someone with this personality type sees others as objects he can use for his own benefit.

They’re Not Always Violent
In movies and TV shows, psychopaths and sociopaths are usually the villains who kill or torture innocent people. In real life, some people with antisocial personality disorder can be violent, but most are not. Instead they use manipulation and reckless behavior to get what they want.

“At worst, they’re cold, calculating killers,” Kipnis says. Others, he says, are skilled at climbing their way up the corporate ladder, even if they have to hurt someone to get there.

If you recognize some of these traits in a family member or coworker, you may be tempted to think you’re living or working with a psychopath or sociopath. But just because a person is mean or selfish, it doesn’t necessarily mean he has a disorder.


The NY Times and the Kidnapped Teens: What Else is Missing Here?


Three unfortunate Israeli boys go missing in the West Bank; security forces scour the territory, arresting hundreds; and The New York Times devotes a flurry of articles to covering the apparent kidnapping and the search that follows.

Times readers have been treated to seven stories (accompanied by five photos) over six days; it would seem they are getting every angle, every scrap of news possible in this tragedy. They have read about raids in Hebron (the area where the teenagers were last seen), yeshiva prayers for the missing, debates over the wisdom of hitchhiking, cooperation from the Palestinian Authority, accusations against Hamas, denials from Hamas and comments from the U.S. Department of State.

Yet, in spite of all the space devoted to the boys’ disappearance, readers have little sense of the punishment unleashed on innocent Palestinians during the search for the boys. They fail to hear the words of human…

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In The NY Times: Blaming the Extremists, Absolving the State


Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is outraged by the murder of Palestinian teenager Muhammad Abu Khdeir, The New York Times reports, and he has vowed to bring the killers to justice. A front-page story quotes Netanyahu and a number of Israeli officials who condemn the act along with the radical extremists behind it.

All this is well and good. Every decent Israeli and Palestinian is dismayed by the killings of four innocent youths in recent weeks; all of them condemn violence and hope for justice. But the Times story by Isabel Kershner omits two crucial aspects of the crisis: calls for vengeance have come from higher ups as well as fringe elements, and the arrests in this case are rare events in the search for justice in Palestine.

Just how rare is underscored in two reports: The Israeli human rights organization Yesh Din found that of 642 cases of…

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